06 September 2024 Red Bull Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Riviera Red Bull Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Riviera
Engines warming up for the MotoGP World Championship
From 6 to 8 September 2024, MotoGP will return to the Misano World Circuit "Marco Simoncelli" for the seventeenth consecutive year.
Three days of entertainment on the track and events in San Marino and the Rimini Riviera , which, as per tradition, will accompany the show at the Misano World Circuit where last year over 141 thousand spectators arrived over the weekend, welcomed in a real motor park.
Come and live a unique experience, immersed in the magical atmosphere of the Red Bull Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Riviera .
Buy your ticket in advance on TicketOne and on misanocircuit.com .
Above the places of Riders' Land that saw champions like Manuel Poggiali and Alex De Angelis or Bastianini and Bezzecchi grow up.
Click here for the complete itinerary.
Source: https://www.visitsanmarino.com and https://www.misanocircuit.com/
Three days of entertainment on the track and events in San Marino and the Rimini Riviera , which, as per tradition, will accompany the show at the Misano World Circuit where last year over 141 thousand spectators arrived over the weekend, welcomed in a real motor park.
Come and live a unique experience, immersed in the magical atmosphere of the Red Bull Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Riviera .
Buy your ticket in advance on TicketOne and on misanocircuit.com .
Above the places of Riders' Land that saw champions like Manuel Poggiali and Alex De Angelis or Bastianini and Bezzecchi grow up.
Click here for the complete itinerary.
Source: https://www.visitsanmarino.com and https://www.misanocircuit.com/